Sep 11Liked by Lyta Gold

I sympathize with the person who gave you the Tam Lin book in that I think the book's big problem is that it follows the rhythm of the school year and so at a certain point you kind of realize you're just going to follow these people as they go to school for a while. (This is a problem every "adventure story set at a school" has I think, including Harry Potter etc.)

But if you can get past the feeling that Something Should Be Happening then it's so much fun and I agree it's a much better portrayal of being deeply in love with books.

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yeah I do think it helps that there are verrrrry subtle hints of what’s actually going on peppered throughout. It almost works better on re-reading—I kept noticing when Janet failed to pick up on things, and why it’s hard for her to separate the feeling of meeting strange new people from the feeling of meeting *strange* new people.

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Sep 11Liked by Lyta Gold

speaking of, have you ever thought about changing your major to classics?

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😄 fr real how would we ever tell our boy Dan apart from a fairy queen’s minion

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Cahokia Jazz slaps! And I’ve added Tam Lin to my TBR list now because of your recommendations!

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